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Modern web applications on OpenShift: Part 3 -- Openshift as a development environment

Welcome back to the final part of this multipart series about deploying modern web applications on Red Hat OpenShift. In the first post, we took a look at how to deploy a modern web application using the fewest commands. In the second part, we took a deeper look into how the new source-to-image (S2I) web app builder works and how to use it as part of a chained build. This third and final part will...

Modern web applications on OpenShift: Part 2 -- Using chained builds

In the previous article, we took a quick look at a new source-to-image (S2I) builder image designed for building and deploying modern web applications on OpenShift. While the last article was focused on getting your app deployed quickly, this article will look at how to use the S2I image as a “pure” builder image and combine it with an OpenShift chained build. Pure builder image As mentioned in the previous post, most modern web apps...

Modern web applications on OpenShift: Part 1 -- Web apps in two commands

In this multi-part series, we will take a look at how to deploy modern web applications, like React and Angular apps, to Red Hat OpenShift using a new source-to-image (S2I) builder image. Series overview: Part 1: How to deploy modern web apps using the fewest steps Part 2: How to combine this new S2I image with a current HTTP server image, like NGINX, using an OpenShift chained build for a more production-ready deployment Part 3: How...

Zero to Express on OpenShift in Three Commands

With the recent announcement that Node.js is generally available as part of Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes, I wanted to see how easy it was to deploy an Express.js app on OpenShift. Getting Started Before we start, there are some required prerequisites. You need to have Node 8.x and npm 5.2 or greater installed. npm comes with the official node distribution, so if you install Node from, you should be good. You’ll also need...